Student Programs
At Yeshiva Torat Emet, we understand that a substantial amount of a child’s education takes place outside the classroom. Our students have valuable opportunities to grow through positive social and educational experiences in a variety of settings. Regular extra-curricular programs, trips, and after school activities provide experiential learning complementing the classroom lessons.
Rosh Chodesh: 1st–4th grades sing Hallel together and teachers run special programs appropriate for the Chodesh.
Shabbaton: Upper School students have the opportunity to experience a beautiful Shabbat together.
Color War: Once a year; highlights include races, ruach, plays, games, and team spirit.
Holiday activities: Programming such as plays and games, Adar dress up days, ruach/singing
Field Trips: 1st–4th Graders have an annual field trip to either the zoo or a museum, where they can expand upon lessons learned during the school year.
Retreat: Upper School students go on a yearly retreat, where they work on team building and social development.
8th Grade Graduation trip: 8th grade students enjoy a trip close to their graduation.
Boys Basketball: YTE offers a basketball program for the 6th–8th grade boys from early November through the end of January. The program consists of regular practices and games against other private schools. It is a great way to foster camaraderie, good sportsmanship, and team/school spirit.
After School Programs: After school programming at YTE is offered to provide our students the opportunity to be enriched in areas not offered during the school day. Classes vary throughout the year and have included: Gymnastics, Sports, Art, Ballet, and Drama.